From the mind and imagination of Fred Rosenberg, Barstow Station sprang to life in July 1975 and has been a desert oasis for weary travelers and fun seekers alike. Currently home to 22 businesses suited to fulfill your traveling needs. Just a short way up Main Street's Route 66, is Barstow Station Too with another 8 business including the largest Tesla charging station in the country.

While stopping in to take a break from the road, try your luck on the California lottery, enjoy some food and drink or a Thrify Ice Cream cone and be sure to visit our shops for candy, nuts and souvenirs. Barstow Station has a lounge area for bus drivers and tour guides. Our On Board Housekeeping Service (OBHS) is provided by Artisticly Clean. Assuring your stop over for rest and relaxation will be pleasing and memorable. 
Barstow Station is a fun family destination!
Live Stream provided by
Southwest Rail Cams
Individual Shops & Hours
World famous, Route 66
Barstow Station
Since July of 1975
1611 East Main Street Barstow, CA 92311